Dear sister and friend, Dr. Wuraola Akande Sholabi, you are more than a star, you are a gem and I am so glad you are a woman of class.
You are an inspiration and a phenomenal woman. Have a very joyful day celebrating the breath of life. May you be soaked in God’s love and grace each day of your life! May the Lord continue to bless you with wisdom and understanding in all you do.
Dr. Wuraola Akande Sholabi, is from Ile Asudan, Isedo Ila-Orangun, Osun State. She was born in early 70’s to the family of famous Chief and Chief (Mrs) Adebisi Bamdele Akande.
She has a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from University of Ibadan, Nigeria (1997-2002) before proceeding to study pharmacy at Masters Degree level from University of Brighton, United Kingdom (2003-2007) and registered as a pharmacist with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain in July 2008.
While serving as a Pharmacist with Tesco in store pharmacy Bromley by Bow; she was invited back by Brighton University to enjoy a Marie Curie scholarship (a European Union Research Programme) for young researchers. Her Ph.D programme was thereby funded by FP7 Marie Curie MONACO – EXTRA project 218242 – an International Project (Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP), which involves four universities. (1)University of Brighton (2)Succex University Hospital NHS Trust (3)Lund University, Sweden and (4)Krems Donau University, Austral together with three small industries (1)Mast Carbon UK (2)Protista Biotechnology AB; IDEON, Lund Sweden and (3)Polymetrics GmbH Berlin, Germany.
During her Ph.D, she was at Lund University Department of Biotechnology, centre for Chemistry and Chemical Engieering. Lund and at Sweden on the Erasmus grant for three months. She was also at Danube University, Department for Clinical Medicine and Biotechnology, Centre for Biomedical Technology, Krems Austria for another three months and also attended the mini MBA programme at the same University. At the same time, she went on industrial secondment to polymerics GmbH Berlin Germany and Protista Biotechnology AB, IDEON, Lund Sweden each for a month. She was granted opportunity to present results of her research work at international conferences such as United Kingdom society for Biomaterials and conferences organized by MONACO-EXTRA project such as summer school in Antalya Turkey and Winter School in Simmering; Austria in August 2012. Her PhD thesis is a research to study the structural, mechanical and heamo-compatibility features required to develop an affinity-binding Cryogel column. Such a matrix would be of use in a wife range of clinical situations where specific removal of specific blood components would be beneficial to the patient.

She went back to University of Ibadan in Nigeria (August-September 2012) for a six-week programme, known as “foreign Pharmacy Graduate Orientation Programme” which enabled her sit for the professional examinations and register with the pharmacist council of Nigeria. She completed her PhD in February 2013 and was elected as a board member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) a non-profitable organization funded by the European Commission, on the 23rd November, 2013 and presently the only Marie Curie alumni resident in Africa. She had her compulsory NYSC programme at University College Hospital, Ibadan.
Happy birthday to a wonderful and incredible woman who inspires younger generation every day!